Wells College 
Education Program Assessment Plan
September 24, 2007

Our Mission

The Wells College Teacher Education Program is dedicated to the philosophy that teaching is a creative, collaborative, rigorous, and intellectually exciting enterprise.Our purpose is to prepare our students to teach diverse populations of children responsibly and effectively; and create inspired and responsive educators who will engage in the challenging work of reforming education for the 21st century.
Education Program Goals and Major Objectives:
NOTE:The first two objectives apply across all goals.There is clearly additional overlap but for practical purposes the remaining objectives have been listed under specific goals.
1.Wells’ pre-service teachers will understand that learning is an active process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
They will develop the skills necessary to: 
·Consistently engage students in varied, rigorous and meaningful learning experiences.
·Assess student learning using multiple, varied tools including performance and authentic tasks
Specifically they will . . . 
a.Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
b.Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.

c.Apply varied technology to enhance curriculum, instruction and assessment.

d.Develop a variety of active learning experiences and authentic performance tasks for students across content areas.

2.Wells’ pre-service teachers will understand that although basic principles of learning, motivation, and effective instruction apply to all learners (regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, socioeconomic status etc.) learners differ in their preferences for learning mode and strategies, the pace in which they learn, and unique capabilities in particular areas.

They will develop the skills necessary to:

·Identify and analyze a range of students’ instructional needs.

·Provide effective instruction responsive to the individual and developmental needs of students within an inclusive environment.

Specifically they will . . .

  1. Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
  2. Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.
  3. Research and analyze concepts and issues underlying classroom diversity in order to develop inclusive classroom practices.
  4. Analyze, explain and apply strategies for differentiating instruction.
3.Wells’ pre-service teachers will understand that effective teaching is a reflective, decision-making process based on what we know about teaching, learning and our students.
They will develop the skills necessary to:
·Research and critically analyze effective teaching practice.
·Create thoughtful instructional and curricular plans.
·Self-assess their instructional and curricular decisions.
·Modify their classroom practice as a result of their reflection.
Specifically they will . . . 
  1. Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
  2. Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.
  3. Create short and long-range instructional and curricular plans.
  4. Reflect thoughtfully on their work, performance, decision-making process and on the general practice of teaching.
4.Wells’ pre-service teachers will understand that schools function within the broader contexts of society, culture and politics.
They will develop the skills necessary to:
·Work successfully within school communities.
·Implement local, state and national learning standards 
·Work to understand current educational issues and reform education across all levels.
Specifically they will . . . 
  1. Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
  2. Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.
  3. Analyze the New York State and National Learning Standards and apply their understanding of these guidelines when developing learning opportunities and assessments.
  4. Collaborate effectively within school communities in order to meet the learning needs of students.
  5. Recognize injustices in the education system and develop strategies fro addressing them.
5.Well’s pre-service teachers will understand that academic and ethical growth is heightened when individuals participate in respectful, caring, well-managed communities that support student autonomy and social interactions.
They will develop the skills necessary to:
·Build a sense of community within classrooms
·Manage a classroom effectively.
Specifically they will . . . 
  1. Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
  2. Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.
  3. Analyze, develop and apply cooperative learning, team building and class building activities.
  4. Develop the knowledge and skill base necessary to organize and manage a democratic classroom effectively.
6.Well’s pre-service teachers will develop the rich content understandings necessary to support effective instruction.
They will develop the skills necessary to:
·Utilize their rich, subject matter expertise in the context of instruction.
·Critically analyze content materials.
·Extend and refine their subject matter expertise throughout their teaching career.
Specifically they will . . . 
  1. Engage in collaborative and individual inquiry about teaching, learning, and schools, and effectively communicate their understandings.
  2. Critically analyze current educational theory in order to translate these understandings into responsive, effective practice.
  3. Collaborate with content experts in order to develop “content-rich” learning experiences.
  4. Analyze, develop and apply effective literacy practices across all content areas.

Student Assessment Activities

Students will engage in a variety of assessment activities including. . .
·Discussing and evaluating educational theory and pedagogy as they relate to specific course content
·Researching, analyzing, and evaluating current educational topics and trends
·Discussing, analyzing, evaluating and implementing a range of instructional and assessment strategies
·Designing and implementing effective lesson plans and instructional units
·Observing and analyzing teaching experiences
·Applying the skills of a reflective practitioner through dialogue and writings
Students will develop the knowledge, declarative and procedural, and thinking skills that will enable them to be effective, responsive and reflective classroom teachers.Assessment will be on-going and an integral part of classroom instruction.Learning will be demonstrated through multiple validations including:
  • Journal entries
  • Reading response papers
  • Research papers
  • Lesson plans
  • Curriculum units
  • Assessment plans and analysis
  • Portfolios
  • Reflections
  • Classroom discussions and participation
·Student conferences—feedback and planning
  • Cooperative learning exercises


· Individual and team presentations

  • Classroom teaching

The culminating, summative assessment for certification students will be both a performance and product demonstration. The performance will be in the form of two student teaching experiences (15 weeks). The product will be a portfolio. Both assessments are designed for students to demonstrate competency in the areas designated by the New York State Teaching Standards. 

Please see attached course outlines for specific assessment information and criteria.

Program Assessment Activities

The Education Program uses a variety of tools to assess its effectiveness.These include:
  • Course evaluations (collected every semester)
  • Field Experience Evaluations completed by cooperating teachers (collected every semester)
  • Cooperating Teachers Exit Interview following completion of student teaching (collected every semester)
  • Student Exit Interview following completion of the Program (collected annually)
  • Assessment of Wells College Education Program, a survey for Program completers after they have been teaching for at least one year (collected every two years)
  • Assessment of Wells College Education Program, a survey for principals and mentor teachers who have supervised a Program completer for at least one year (collected every two years)
  • Collaborative review of student work (reviewed every three years)
Please see attachments.
Data from the assessment activities will be analyzed in depth on a rotating basis.
Year One: Collaborative review of student work
Year Two: Data from students and cooperating teachers participating in the Wells Program (example—field evaluations, exit interviews, NYS Assessment scores)
Year Three: Data collected from sources following participation in the Wells Program (example—survey for program completers in the field, survey for principals and mentor teachers)


Course Alignment & Assessment Tools

275 Book Review Rubric
275 Genre Project Rubric
Data Analysis
Program & Student Evaluation